
Other approaches

This website highlights the key things that research has shown to help people who have OA.

You may also be curious about other things you have come across.



There are various medicines or drugs that might help with pain as part of your approach to OA. These are usually not enough on their own.

Non-drug treatments (like exercise programmes) help OA pain more than most drugs and without side-effects.

You can discuss medicine options with your doctor or pharmacist. They will think about how certain medicines fit with other aspects of your health and your views.



There are many substances said to help OA. You will see these in ads on TV or in print. These may be called complementary, alternative, naturopathic, homeopathic, or nutraceuticals.

Research has not found strong evidence for many of these creams, pills or products. Some may interfere with prescribed medicines. It is a good idea to talk to your doctor if you are thinking about taking any of these.


Most people with OA never need joint replacement surgery.

There are many other things you can do to manage OA. Most of these you can do on your own or with the help of your GP, nurse, physio, or dietitian.

If you need an operation, there are things you can do before and after surgery. These include aiming for a healthy weight and increasing your knee movement and strength.