
KneeCAPS Clinician Training

Welcome to the KneeCAPS clinician training modules.

These modules are are designed to enable clinicians to empower people who have knee OA to improve their health. These were developed and tested as part of Te Tauwhiro Turi mā te Rongoa | Knee Care for Arthritis through Pharmacy Study.

Each module has embedded quizzes and web forms at the end to provide anonymous feedback and to confirm that you have completed the module. Please enter your details to receive a certificate following completion of each module; this tells us that you've completed the module, as well as giving you hours towards your professional development portfolio.

Please note that although you can leave and enter each module as you wish, these modules do not record your progress. Some modules require successful completion of a quiz to progress to subsequent parts of the module. If you leave after completing this quiz, but before completing the rest of the module, you will be required to re-complete the quiz when you return to the module.You can leave your browser window open and not lose your place.

There are 4 core modules for all clinicians.

In addition:

  • There is an Exercise Prescription module for clinicians who prescribe exercise and physical activity programmes (such as physiotherapists).
  • There is a Medication Review module for clinicians who prescribe or dispense medications to people who have osteoarthritis (such as general practitioners, nurse practitioners, or pharmacists).

Core modules for all clinicians:

Please complete the following modules in order from 1 to 4 -- each module builds on the previous one.

  1. Culturally safe and ready to empower (40 minutes) - access here
  2. Empowering people with knee OA (60 minutes) - access here
  3. Physical activity, exercise, and knee OA (30 minutes) - access here
  4. Nutrition, body size, and knee OA (30 minutes) - access here

Role specific training

There are two modules for clinicians who undertake specific roles in OA care. These modules are open to all clinicians and all clinicians are encouraged to complete these so that they can better understand the practice of their colleagues and support people with knee OA to optimise their health. These modules are:

  • Medication review for people with knee OA (for clinicians who prescribe or dispense medications to people who have osteoarthritis, such as general practitioners, nurse practitioners, or pharmacists) - access here
  • Exercise prescription for people with knee OA (for clinicians who prescribe exercise and physical activity programmes (such as physiotherapists) - access here

Training resources

At the end of each training module there is a section with resources that support the module content and provide opportunities for deeper engagement. These are designed as a resource that could be used in an ongoing manner.

These resources can be accessed directly here so that you do not need to repeat the module or quizzes in order to return to these.

Documents to support KneeCAPS consultations, can be accessed and downloaded here.

If there are other resources that you recommend are included, please email:


Clinicians are encouraged to use telehealth when patients have difficulty accessing their physical location. Many clinicians have developed expertise with use of telehealth throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, however, others may have less experience. Information about using telehealth can be accessed here.

The PEAK team at the University of Melbourne have created two documents to support patient use of telehealth that you may wish to share with your patient:

If patients have difficulty with data and connectivity to use telehealth, please let the KneeCAPS team know. We may be able to help the person to find a solution.

Please click here for all documents to support clinicians to implement KneeCAPS

  • Please click here for the Referral Process flowchart for pharmacists. This shows pharmacists how to action referrals for physiotherapy, dietetics, or medication review during your KneeCAPS Consultation with an intervention participant.
  • Please click here for the clinician Q&As. These are questions and answers about how to run the KneeCAPS study. This will be updated regularly. (Last updated: Thursday 23rd March 2023)
  • Please click here for the list of pharmacies taking part in KneeCAPS. This list shows which pharmacies are currently recruiting participants. (Last updated: Tuesday 13th June 2023)



If you have any questions, please note these and send them to:

This will enable to questions to be answered during the Zoom training or added to the latest Question and Answer document about how to run the KneeCAPS study. This will be updated regularly. (Last updated: Thursday 17th November 2022)


Module authors

Culturally Safe and Ready to Empower - Shirley Simmonds (Raukawa, Ngāti Huri, Ngā Puhi), Rāwiri Keenan (Te Ati Awa/Taranaki), Loren Vincent (Ngāi Tahu), Eileen McKinlay, Ben Darlow, and the KneeCAPS Team.

Empowering People with Knee OA - Ben Darlow, Mely Brown, and the KneeCAPS Team

Nutrition, Body Size, and OA - Alison Pask, Ben Darlow, and the KneeCAPS Team

Physical Activity, Exercise, and Knee OA - Ben Darlow and the KneeCAPS Team

Reviewing OA Pain Medications - Ben Hudson, Gareth Frew, Ben Darlow, and the KneeCAPS Team

Exercise Prescription for Knee OA - Ben Darlow and the KneeCAPS Team

With thanks to

Samantha Bunzli and Naomi Behera

Kim Bennell, Rana Hinman, Thorlene Edgerton, Alex Kimp, and the Centre for Health, Exercise, and Sports Medicine (CHESM) at The University of Melbourne