Hei whakamōhio mō te Uruumu ā-Hope

Thank you for following the link to freefromhippain.org

Our hip pain website is currently under construction. However, information and advice is very similar for people with hip or knee osteoarthritis.

People with hip osteoarthritis and those caring for people with hip osteoarthritis have told us that they think the information and advice on this site (that we have developed for knee osteoarthritis) is helpful.

Please feel free to look around. You’ll find up-to-date facts about things like:

  • common Myths about osteoarthritis (that even some health professionals believe)
  • why you might feel pain differently than someone without osteoarthritis (and what this means when your joint hurts)
  • simple but effective things you can do to help your hip joint (and your health)
  • where you can find people with the right knowledge to support you 

“From my point of view, as someone who didn't have knee osteoarthritis but has had two hip replacements from osteoarthritis, it would have been really good to have had this sort of information pre-surgery. In fact, pre- pre- pre-surgery, so, years ago. Because there's really good information there, that I didn't know.”
“I would’ve liked to have handed the knee OA booklet out to a person with hip OA as well… for a broader audience rather than just the knee… the process is the same in hip OA, and you can do the same thing. If you can help yourself, other joints as well as knees, then it’s a good thing.”

Hei whakamōhio mō te Uruumu ā-Hope - Information for people with Hip Arthritis

Research-based information for people who with knee osteoarthritis from clinicians and researchers at the University of Otago.