About Us


A large number of people and organisations have contributed to making 'Free from knee  pain' possible. We are very grateful to all the contributors. These include:

Research participants

A number of people living with knee OA were interviewed to inform the content of this website and the accompanying booklet. You will see quotations from these people throughout the website. We are very grateful to these people for sharing their time and expereinces.

Video interviews

Irene Tawera (Ngāti Toa Rangatira) shared her experience of knee osteoarthritis


The initial participant interviews was funded by an Otago Medical School Collaborative Research Grant.

The testing of the new information resources was funded by Arthritis New Zealand and the Health Research Council.

Design and web development

Tim Christie Design completed all of the graphic design.


Andrew Bartle from Pureweb completed all of the web development.


Luke Pilkinton-Ching took many banner photos completed all video recording and editing https://visionphotography.co.nz/


Jamie Yeates (Te Āti Awa) provided te reo Māori translation services.


Many of the images included were sourced from other people or organisations. We appreciate being allowed to use these images.

     © World Obesity